SGTC’s Crisp County Center’s Morgan honored at retirement reception

Praise and words of deep appreciation were plentiful at the retirement reception for South Georgia Technical College Crisp County Center Facilities Manager Tim Morgan as faculty, staff, friends, and family met to thank him for his dedication and service to the college and its students.
Keeping instructors and students warm, cool, and comfortable was how Timothy Morgan described his mission or goal while he worked as the Facilities Manager for the South Georgia Technical College’s Crisp County Center for the past five years. He is officially retiring June 30, 2024.

Tim Morgan is shown above with his family members and friends that attended the retirement reception.
South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford and Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs for the Crisp County Center Michelle McGowan presented Morgan with a retirement clock thanking him for his service.
“I appreciate each and every one of you for impacting my life,” said Morgan. “I really enjoyed coming to work every day and I am so thankful that God gave me the skills and the health to do what I have able to do here.”
Morgan made sure that he spoke and shook hands or hugged everyone who attended the retirement reception. SGTC Crisp County Center Heating and Air instructor Mike Enfinger taught Tim before he came to work. “We are all going to miss him. Hiring him is one of the best decisions we have ever made and we wish him all the best.”
SGTC’s Michelle McGowan said “if you ask Tim to do something, he gets it done and done quickly. We appreciate you and your work ethics and sweet spirit so much. We are going to miss you.”
Other members of the faculty and staff thanked him for praying with and for them and for always being available to talk, give advice or share wisdom. SGTC Vice President of Academic Affairs Julie Partain summed up the sentiments of the crowd. “Tim is the go to person. Whether it was work related or personal, he could always be counted on. And Tim was the type of employee who was always doing what he was supposed to be doing and where he was supposed to be.”
Morgan is a graduate of the Air Conditioning Technology program at SGTC. He already had over 31 years of work experience in related fields before accepting the position with SGTC. He had worked as the Final Finish Leadman for Homestead Homes where he worked for over 18 years. Then he spent 13 and a half years as Maintenance Mechanic for the Cordele Housing Authority. All of those skills along with the newly added heating and air certification from SGTC made the facilities manager position a great fit for the next chapter in his work life.
Morgan also recently celebrated 30 years as a lay pastor. He has been the pastor at Inaha Baptist Church in Sycamore for the past 10 years.
“I am honored to have been a part of this great institution,” said Morgan. He and his wife and two of his three daughters attended, work, or graduated from South Georgia Tech. “I have really enjoyed working with the administration, faculty, staff, and students and I wish everyone all the best.”
Morgan and his wife, Regina, have been married for 46 years. They have three grown daughters and 10 grandchildren.