Chattahoochee-Flint RESA, SGTC host Counselor Consortium meeting

February 6, 2025
South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford and Chattahoochee Flint RESA STEM Director Heidi Goodin are shown above talking with the counselors from several systems in the Chattahoochee Flint RESA service area.
South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford and Chattahoochee Flint RESA STEM Director Heidi Goodin are shown above talking with the counselors from several systems in the Chattahoochee Flint RESA service area.

   Counselors from 10 different school systems attended the Chattahoochee Flint RESA Counselor Consortium Meeting held at South Georgia Technical College in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center recently.

   The event was co-sponsored by Chattahoochee Flint RESA and South Georgia Technical College in an effort to expose area school counselors to the opportunities available at South Georgia Tech as well as to discuss various pathways for students in Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways.

   The counselors provided valuable input about the CTE programs of study and the needs for these programs in the communities and industries that are affected.  They also talked about the importance of introducing students to these types of programs and opportunities at an early age.  Dual Enrollment opportunities were discussed along with how to involve more students.

   Brannon Parks, Ed.S, Chattahoochee-Flint RESA Psychological Services Coordinator and Heidi Goodin, STEM Coordinator for Chattahoochee-Flint RESA, scheduled the event.  Dr. John Watford, President of South Georgia Technical College, welcomed the individuals to the SGTC campus and thanked them for their support.

   In addition to SGTC President Watford, SGTC Vice President of Academic Affairs Julie Partain, Academic Dean and Institutional Effectiveness Director Katrice Martin, Dean’s Dr. David Finley and Brett Murray also attended the meeting to talk with the counselors.

   SGTC instructors, including Charles Christmas from Aviation Maintenance , Kristie Hudson from Drafting, Starlyn Sampson from Auto Collision Technology, Jake Pittman from Precision Machining and Manufacturing, Kevin Beaver from Motorsports, Veronda Cladd from Computer Support, Networking, and Cybersecurity; Brandon Gross from Horticulture, and Mike Collins from Electronics, all spoke with the counselors about the various programs available at SGTC and the career opportunities.

   SGTC Dual Enrollment Director Brittny Wright-McGrady talked about Dual Enrollment opportunities, SGTC Financial Aid Director Kelly Everett gave an overview of the financial aid process and Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Josh Curtin and Recruiter Tylen Pepito talked about Housing and Student Life and the admissions process at SGTC.

   SGTC Academic Deans Dr. David Finley and Brett Murray conducted a tour of the SGTC Americus campus and then SGTC Academic Dean Katrice Martin hosted a question and answer session with the counselors.

   Counselors from Sumter County, Marion County, Schley County, Randolph County, Central Elementary and High School, Dooly and Crisp Counties, Chattahoochee County, Quitman County, and Furlow Charter School attended the consortium meeting.