Scholarships & Grants

Student Scholarships:

The South Georgia Technical College Foundation provides a number of scholarship opportunities and grants to students attending South Georgia Technical College. The majority of the scholarships available are for existing students who have attended SGTC for at least one semester.

Most scholarships are based on the previous semester’s President’s List. Full-time students named to the President’s List for having achieved a 4.0 (or all A’s) the previous semester are notified through the mail that they have been selected to apply for a Foundation Scholarship.

Criteria such as home campus, academic program, number of times on the President’s List, scores on admissions tests, and participation in extracurricular activities as well as financial aid are used to determine scholarship eligibility utilizing a points system devised for scholarships from individuals on the President’s List who submit scholarship applications.

Many of the scholarships are program specific and not all scholarships are available every semester.

Student receiving the Lt. Michael Sangster Law Enforcement Academy Scholarship

Need-Based Grants:

To receive consideration for need-based grants/scholarships, students should complete an application in the SGTC Foundation Office in the Odom Center, room 106, on the Americus campus. Applications can also be submitted to the Foundation Office online by contacting Leah Cannady, Foundation Assistant at 229-931-2248 or

Financial Aid Opportunities:

South Georgia Technical College encourages students to apply for the HOPE Grant, the HOPE Scholarship, Hope Career grants as well as Pell Grants. Students can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available online or contact the SGTC Financial Aid office at 229-931-2755.

List of Scholarships Available:

Endowments Purpose
Mike Cochran Aviation Aviation Maintenance, Avionics, Aircraft Structural
Agrium/Nutrient All on President’s List
Anne Colston Accounting, Early Childhood Care & Education
Burelle Chapel Strickland Culinary Arts
CCHS Class of 1965 To be determined by Crisp County High School
Larry and Jane Comer All on President’s List
Lou Crouch Law Enforcement Academy
Elizabeth Duke Redmond Students at Crisp County Center Campus
GA Street Rod Association High Performance Automotive/Motorsports
John and Alice Argo Aviation Maintenance
GED-Girls Educating with Donations GED Students
Glover Foods Culinary Arts Students
Bill & Ann Harris Business Administrative, Computer Information, Marketing
Kyle Glenn Holcombe Electrical Lineworker
Phil Jones/Alfred Harris Automotive
Robbie Smith Latimore All on President’s List
Sparky and Allene Reeves GOAL and Rick Perkins winners
Pat Morgan Single Parent
J. Frank Myers 1stPriority: Accounting, Business Technology, Computer Information Systems, Networking Specialist 2nd Priority: All on President’s List
Parker/Wheeler Air Conditioning, Practical Nursing
Ruth Tucker Patterson Practical Nursing, Medical Assisting
Pope Construction Construction Trades, Industrial Electrical, Drafting, Welding
Lt. Michael Sangster Law Enforcement
Jeff Singley All on President’s List
Roy Lee Smith 1st Priority: GA Sheriff’s Ranch Youth2nd Priority: Sumter Co/Presidents List
Leon Strickland Welding and Joining Technology
J. Sullivan All on President’s List
Sumter Bank and Trust 1st Priority: Air Conditioning Technology2nd Priority: All on Presidents List
Sarah Trask Book Scholarship
John & Sarah Trask Marketing Management
Emmett Usry All on President’s List
Leonard & Marie Waitsman Marketing Management/Criminal Justice
Civitan Club Practical Nursing
Junior Service League All on President’s List
Citizens Bank All on President’s List
Phil and Louise Jones, Sr. Welding and Joining Technology
Bill and Sue Dupree Horticulture and all on President’s List
Thomas Lloyd Aviation
Two Great Choices Students from Sumter County
William Mathis Electrical Systems Technology
Achieving Academic Success Needs Based/Learning Support
PBI Needs Based/Learning Support
Americus – Sumter Hospital Authority Practical Nursing, Medical Assisting
CHSGA Licensed Practical Nursing Practical Nursing
Dan Linginfelter Aviation Aviation Maintenance
Treadmaxx Automotive Repair Automotive Technology
William “Sam” Singletary Aviation Maintenance Aviation Maintenance
Sharad & Ila Patel Culinary Arts
Flex-Tec Electrical Systems, Electronics, Industrial Mechanical & Systems, Marketing, Drafting, Accounting, Business Administration
Waitsman Healthcare in honor of Laurie Jessop & “Kitty” LaDaisy Battle Medical Assisting, CNA, Health Care, Practical Nursing
Sondron-Smallwood Law Enforcement
John and Barbara Watford All on President’s List
Rose Ann Everett Welding & John Deere Ag Tech
Chief Vanessa Wall Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement
Smarr-Smith Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice
Jack Walton Family 1st – Dodge County  2nd – Electronics  3rd – All on President’s list
Daphne Lodge/Gulf Coast Avionics Culinary Arts and Aviation Maintenance, Avionics
Cordele Evening Lions Club Crisp County students enrolled in Law Enforcement, Medical programs, Criminal Justice
Mechler Family Foundation Air Conditioning Technology
Mr. and Mrs. Randy B. Jones, Sr. Aviation
Sumter Electric Membership Corporation Electrical Lineworker, Industrial Electrical or Drafting
Adrian “Goose” Johnson “Fly High Goose” Caterpillar Thompson Tractor Graduating students for tools
Non-Endowed Scholarships Purpose
Anonymous Donor Needs Based
R.L. Smith/D. Finley Culinary Arts
Charles Eames GAS Scholarships/Randomly Selected
Fisher Crum Books for Crisp County Campus
General All President’s List
Charles Hurt Crisp County Student enrolled in Aviation or Automotive
Nadeen Green & Ned Cone Technical and Industrial Programs eligible
Erica Scannavino Skilled Trades Automotive Repair, Auto Collision, Motorsports
Schley Co/Dr. Harold Holloway Schley County Students
Sumter Co. Federation of Garden Clubs Horticulture
CAT Excellence Diesel students
John Deere TECH Agricultural Technology
J&J Car Wash/Oil Change Automotive Technology
Gretchen Corbin Last Mile Students in last or next to last semester as funds are available
Early Bloomers Garden Club Horticulture