Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA)

The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act was established in 2014 and is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market. WIOA training funds are designed to serve laid-off individuals and income-eligible adults who are in need of job skills training to enter or re-enter the workforce.

WIOA Summer Semester Nursing Graduates

WIOA Summer Semester Nursing Graduates

Funding for WIOA training through the River Valley Regional Commission and the WIOA Board is provided for residents who live in Crisp, Dooly, Macon, Marion, Schley, Sumter, Taylor and Webster counties. The WIOA office can also make referrals for customers outside of our service area to the appropriate county or area workforce boards.

The primary goal of the WIOA program is to help students achieve their academic/training goals so they can obtain and retain employment and be self-sufficient. WIOA provides financial assistance for tuition, fees, books, and direct training costs for eligible participants.  Openings are limited and certain restrictions do apply.

WIOA provides financial assistance for tuition, fees, books and direct training costs for eligible participants.


 You DO NOT qualify if you:

WIOA mandates that once a student completes his/her required courses for one program of study, a student MUST obtain full-time employment (in the field that the student has studied) within 90 days of completion of training.  The student must retain employment in that field for one complete year after WIOA exit.

WIOA only pays for ONE program and only those classes required for that program.  This means that students can only take classes that are on the curriculum for the field the student has chosen.  A student cannot take classes outside the field they have chosen.

If interested, please complete the WIOA application below or contact the WIOA office at (229) 931-2172 for further information.

Fill out my online form.

These are some links to help you gather information about the training you are considering:

Application Requirements
Dates & Deadlines
Program Information
Tuition & Fee Schedule
Other Financial Aid
Job Placement Assistance