As School Certifying Officers (SCO), SGTC’s main responsibility is to ensure that registered credit hours are reported to the Department of Veterans Affairs through their VA-ONCE system. If you are a POST 911/GI Bill recipient, SGTC is also required to submit tuition and fees to the Department of Veterans Affairs as well.
Since our staff are not employees of the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), they do not have all the answers to some of the questions you have asked. However, our staff will always strive to help and can provide other information to help get an answer.
Your responsibility to us is to let our staff know when you are registered for classes. Once you are registered SGTC can certify your hours to VA. For Post 911/GI Bill veterans, our staff certifies your tuition and fees once the financial aid office sends the information – usually 4 -5 weeks into the semester.
Other tips:
If you are dropped from a class or you withdraw, that too is reported to VA. For Post 911/GI Bill veterans, your tuition and fees are also adjusted and this may make you owe money to SGTC. VA will determine what SGTC owes VA and that in turns tells SGTC what you will owe the school.
Please feel free to contact our office with any questions or concerns. You may reach Kari Bodrey by phone or email at 229-931-2700,
VA Regional Office
PO Box 100022
Atlanta, GA 30031-4032
FAX (404) 929-300
Education Benefits | 1-888-442-4551 |
Other VA Benefits (Local Regional Office) | 1-800-827-1000 |
Monthly Verification of Enrollment & IVR (Interactive Voice Response System) | 1-877-823-2378 |
Direct Deposit Enrollment (students) | 1-877-838-2778 |
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