Criminal Justice students tour Sumter County Courthouse

The South Georgia Technical College Criminal Justice students enrolled in the Corrections Class took a field trip to the Sumter County Courthouse recently to observe state court calendar call, pleas, and motions.
“This was a wonderful opportunity for students to see the textbooks and classroom teaching come alive,” said SGTC Criminal Justice Instructor Teresa McCook. “In addition to touring the courthouse, we were able to visit with the Magistrate Court and Probation Court judges and officials and tour the Clerk’s office and the business office for the Sumter County Sheriff’s office. This was a great chance for the students to see how everyone works together in the court room to get these cases heard and/or settled.”
Sumter County Sheriff’s Department Lt. Lee Gibson gave the students a tour of the facilities and the students were allowed to see the sally port area and the holding cell for inmates.

Lt. Lee Gibson is shown above showing the SGTC Criminal Justice students the holding cell areas for the inmates at the courthouse.
The SGTC students also heard pleas and revocations hearings in the court room in front of Southeastern Superior Court Judge Brown. They were able to ask questions of the attorneys, probation officers, and area law enforcement officers in the court room during breaks.
For more information about the criminal justice program at SGTC contact instructor Teresa McCook at on the Americus campus or Wanda Bishop, on the Crisp County Center campus.
SGTC is currently registering students for Summer Semester. Classes begin on May 23 and individuals can apply online at by clicking on the Apply Now button. Registration for Summer Semester is set for April 23 and May 21.

Damir Mincey, Jacob Abell, Davionne Gordon, Erin White and Jadon Bailey are shown above on the back row in the Sumter County Courthouse court room and Jadeer Thompson, Maritcia Garcia, Traneisha Burns and Ladeaveon Lockett are shown on the front row.