Elizabeth Elias named SGTC Student of Excellence for October

South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) Medical Assisting student Elizabeth Elias of Leesburg was recently named the Student of Excellence for the month of October. Elias and six other outstanding students were recognized as the top students in their respective program areas and then Elias was selected as the overall Student of Excellence at the ceremony held in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center on the college’s Americus campus.

Shown above seated from left to right are Student of Excellence nominees Donterrius Bryant, Cloretha Mitchell, Cynthia Lucas, Gussie Jackson, Cherisse Fletcher, Elizabeth Elias, and Carswella Major. Standing left to right are their instructors, Xavier Jackson, Dorothea Lusane McKenzie, Teresa McCook, Chef Ricky Watzlowick, Victoria Kelley, Lynn Lightner, and Christine Rundle.

Student of Excellence winner Elizabeth Eliasholds (c) is shown above with the Student of Excellent Banner. She is being congratulated by her instructor Lynn Lighter (l) and SGTC Vice President of Academic Affairs David Kuipers (r). The banner will be displayed in the Medical Assisting program area until a new Student of Excellence is chosen in November.
Elias was nominated for the award by her instructor, Lynn Lightner. Lightner presented her with a nomination certificate and spoke to the audience of classmates and family members about her outstanding medical assisting student.
“Elizabeth attended ABAC before coming to South Georgia Technical College. She is an excellence student but more importantly she is an excellent person. She has all the characteristics that set her apart and I know she will be an excellent representative for the medical assisting program as well as for South Georgia Technical College,” said Lightner. “We are all very proud of her.”
Elias accepted the nomination and a specialized Student of Excellence t-shirt from Lightner before sharing what the honor meant to her. “I am really nervous,” laughed Elias. “But I would like to thank all of my instructors for nominating me for this honor and for encouraging me. I would also like to thank my sister who is already a medical assistant for her support and encouragement as well.” Elias had the opportunity to choose several colleges to continue her education but selected South Georgia Tech because this is where her husband graduated from in 2012.
“I am very excited about having the opportunity to work in this field and make a difference in the lives of the individuals that I will touch. I am so thankful for this opportunity,” added Elias.
The October Student of Excellence ceremony recognized students in the personal services programs at SGTC. Other nominees included: Donterrius Bryant of Albany, Barbering; Cloretha Mitchell of Cordele, Cosmetology; Cynthia Lucas of Richland, Criminal Justice technology; Gussie Jackson, Culinary Arts; Cherisse Fletcher, Early Childhood Care and Education; and Carswella Major of Americus, Practical Nursing.
After the other nominees received their certificates and t-shirts, David Kuipers, Vice President of Academic Affairs, explained the criteria to be chosen as the overall Student of Excellence and the benefits that come with the title before announcing Elias as the winner. The winner is selected based on a number of criteria, including grades, work ethics, participation in clubs and organizations, and amount of program completion. As the winner, Elias was awarded with a plaque of recognition, a personal letter of recommendation from SGTC President Dr. John Watford and a $50 check for her accomplishments. Additionally, her name will be displayed on SGTC’s digital marquee as well as inscribed on a plaque in Hicks Hall among previous Student of Excellence winners.
Each month, students from certain divisions selected for that month are nominated for the Student of Excellence award by their instructors. In addition to Lynn Lighter, additional nominating instructors included: Xavier Jackson, Dorothea Lusane McKenzie, Teresa McCook, Chef Ricky Watzlowick, Victoria Kelley, and Christine Rundle.