Hunter Fallin of Leesburg awarded South Georgia Tech Lou Crouch Law Enforcement Scholarship

Hunter Fallin of Leesburg was presented with the Lou Crouch Law Enforcement Scholarship at the South Georgia Technical College Law Enforcement Academy Class 19 – 01 graduation ceremony held in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center on the SGTC Americus campus recently. Fallin earned his Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certification from the South Georgia Technical College Law Enforcement Academy during the academy’s 10th anniversary celebration.
Fallin expressed his appreciation for being selected as the Lou Crouch Law Enforcement Scholarship recipient. “I am very grateful for this scholarship,” said Fallin, who left a full-time job working with the youth at his church to enroll in the SGTC Law Enforcement Academy. “When I made the decision to go to the academy, I knew there was going to be sacrifices that had had to be made in order to be successful in the end.
“I went from knowing there would be plenty of money in my bank account and having some extra to still enjoy hanging out with friends and family anytime I wanted, to wondering if I was going to get my truck payment made each month. I made some lifestyle changes, which ended up being positive, such as not eating out and splurging on things I realized I didn’t have to have right now. It has all been worth it to get to this point and to be able to graduate.”
Fallin realized how important his education is and he is grateful to South Georgia Technical College and to Lou Crouch for the opportunity to earn his POST certification. “After the academy, I am much more self-disciplined and self-motivated. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for me now,” said Fallin. I appreciate this scholarship and my goal is to become an officer that my future department can be proud of.”
Lou Crouch of Bryon endowed his first scholarship at South Georgia Technical College in January 2013 to assist students who enrolled in the South Georgia Technical College Law Enforcement Academy and with Fallin, Crouch has provided scholarships for 16 students so far.
“This scholarship is a tremendous help to the young men and women who are training to become public servants and work as law enforcement officers here in Georgia,” said SGTC Foundation Executive Director Su Ann Bird. “This scholarship is not only helping our students but it is making communities safer. We appreciate Lou Crouch’s involvement and financial support of this program and our students.”
For more information about making a donation or establishing an endowed scholarship at South Georgia Technical College contact Su Ann Bird, SGTC Foundation Executive Director at 229.931.2110 or Contributions may also be mailed to the SGTC Foundation, P.O. Box 6102, Americus, GA.
South Georgia Tech is one of six technical colleges in Georgia that are allowed to provide training for new law enforcement officers to receive their basic law enforcement training and obtain college credit at the same time. The cadets undergo 18 weeks and over 700 hours of intense training mentally and physically.
The LEA graduates receive their POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certification from South Georgia Technical College as well as a technical certificate of credit that can be utilized toward a diploma or Associate Degree in Criminal Justice.
For more information about the Law Enforcement Academy contact the Law Enforcement Academy office at 229.931.2716 or SGTC Law Enforcement Academy Director Brett Murray at 229.931.2756; or SGTC Dean Academic Affairs Vanessa Wall in Americus at 229.931.2713.