Lisa Wade awarded the SGTC Foundation Early Bloomers Garden Club Scholarship

Lisa Wade, a second semester Environmental Horticulture student from Americus, was the first recipient of the Early Bloomers Garden Club annual scholarship at South Georgia Technical College recently.
Mary Len Walker, President of the Early Bloomers Garden Club, and other members of the club were on hand during the scholarship presentation with SGTC President Dr. John Watford and SGTC Foundation Executive Director and Vice President of Institutional Advancement Su Ann Bird.
“On behalf of South Georgia Technical College and the SGTC Foundation, we would like to thank the Early Bloomers Garden Club for your support of our students and specifically the Environmental Horticulture program,” said President Watford. “This is a great way to give back to students who are learning more about this field and interested in a career in horticulture.”
Lisa Wade and her instructor, Brandon Gross, also thanked the club for their support. “Thank you so much,” said Wade. “This is very unexpected but I am honored to be selected to receive this scholarship. I appreciate your support.”
SGTC Foundation Executive Director Su Ann Bird revealed that Wade was selected for the scholarship based on the criteria set up by the Foundation and the Early Bloomers Garden Club. Wade was recommended for the scholarship by her instructor, Brandon Gross.
The Early Bloomers Garden Club annual scholarship is awarded annually to a student enrolled in the SGTC Horticulture Program with excellent work ethics grades, a 2.5 GPA or higher and a recommendation from the Horticulture Instructor.
The Early Bloomers Garden Club Environmental Horticulture Scholarship can be used for tuition, books, fees, tools, housing and cafeteria expenses.