Now is a great time to take Business Technology classes online at South Georgia Technical College

South Georgia Technical College is offering two Business Technology Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC) options that can be taken completely online Fall Semester. Classes start August 17th and it is not too late to sign up for this great program that might unlock new career opportunities.
Technical Certificates of credit in Accounting are also available but it usually takes at least three semesters. However, individuals interested in accounting can start with at least two classes online this Fall, said Brenda Boone, SGTC Accounting instructor.
Teresa Jolly, SGTC Crisp County Business Technology instructor, revealed that earning certification or licensure shows potential employers that you are a qualified and accomplished professional in your chosen career and that may play a role in employment decisions and promotions.
“This is a great opportunity for someone who is looking to enter the job market or who would like to advance in their current job,” explained Jolly. “Both of these technical certificate of credit certifications would let employers know what you have the skills needed to fill an entry-level job. It may also help with career advancement.”
The two Business Technology Technical Certificate of Credit options completely online Fall semester at South Georgia Technical College include the Administrative Support Assistant and the Microsoft Word Application Specialist. The Administration Support Assistant TCC includes an Introduction to Computers class, a class in Office Procedures, Word Processing and Document production plus two electives.
Business Technology provides the general skills that can transfer into a wide array of careers in business. Business Administration is a wide field that incorporates many types of management positions. Every operation needs skills administrators in order to succeed. Many top business executives will get their start working in office administration or in hospitality, retail, sales or operations management. Accounting knowledge is also very helpful.
The Business Technology and Accounting classes offered online this Fall semester at South Georgia Technical College are part of diploma and associate degree programs. Fall semester classes start August 17th and it is not too late to apply and register. SGTC is hosting face-to-face registration on August 11th, 12th, and 13th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in both Americus and Crisp County. Social distancing guidelines will be observed.
South Georgia Technical College is currently waiving all testing requirements and students can apply online at Registration can be done in person, by phone or by email. For more information email:
Students in the SGTC Business Technology and Accounting programs may qualify for the HOPE Grant or HOPE Scholarship or Federal PELL grant. There are also scholarships and grants available from the South Georgia Technical College Foundation.
For more information about the SGTC Business Technology program contact Teresa Jolly at or 229-271-4023. To learn more about the Accounting program contact Brenda Boone at or 229-931-2621.
For more information about applying for fall semester, contact the SGTC admissions office in Americus at 229-931-2394 or in Cordele at 229-271-4040 or visit the website at Fall semester classes begin August 17th, 2020 and will be offered on-line, face-to-face, and with a hybrid combination. Students can also complete financial aid applications on line.