Phi Beta Lambda Americus Chapter Elects New Officers
South Georgia Technical College’s (SGTC) Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Americus Chapter recently elected new club officers for the 2017-2018 school year.
At the end of the process, 12 officer positions were filled. La’Kiesta Davis of Plains will serve as the new President of the Americus Chapter; Adrienne Clayton of Americus, 1st Vice President of Professional Engagements; Alicia English of Americus, VP of FBLA Interactions and Special Events; Michael Karns of Americus, VP of Corporate Relations; Branyon Kendrick of Montezuma, VP of Marketing; Najhea Smith of Ellaville, VP of Special Projects; Mary Solis of Americus, VP of Community Service Initiatives; Christian Holloman of Buena Vista, Director of Promotions; Shanteka Holmes of Americus, Secretary; Bentura Nunez of Americus, Assistant Secretary; Timothy Patillo of Americus, Historian; Dreshawn Newberry of Albany, Assistant Historian.
PBL members were provided the opportunity to apply to be an officer of the organization. Members who applied were chosen to fill one of twelve positions that ranged from President to the Director of Promotions.
To determine officers as well as positions and responsibilities, candidates endured an interview process with members of the PBL advisory panel that included Dr. Andrea Oates, Academic Dean and local advisor; Racarda Blackmon, past PBL President; Annita Barron, Business Technology instructor and PBL Professional Division member; and Donna Lawrence, Business Technology adjunct instructor and PBL State and Local Advisor.
In addition, the group was tasked with completing an activity to observe group dynamics.
The new PBL officers will serve as the leaders of the student organization — planning and guiding several philanthropic events throughout the semester.
PBL and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) are the largest business career student organizations in the world. The FBLA high school division has 215,000 members while the post-secondary division reaches over 11,000 college students. Phi Beta Lambda allows students to build a portfolio of documented accomplishments as a complement to their academic experience. The organization helps develop leadership, communication, and team skills that can be applied in the business setting.
For more information about PBL on the Americus campus, contact Dr. Oates at 229.931.2705 or