Course | Credit Hours |
ENGL 1010 Fundamentals of English I Emphasizes the development and improvement of written and oral communication abilities. Topics include analysis of writing, applied grammar and writing skills, editing and proofreading skills, research skills, and oral communication skills.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Business Communications Essentials: A Skills Approach to English, ISBN 978-0-13-253971-5, $156.47
2570 | 3 |
MATH 1013 Algebraic Concepts mphasizes concepts and operations which are applied to the study of algebra. Topics include basic mathematical concepts, basic algebraic concepts, and intermediate algebraic concepts.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Developmental Mathematics, ISBN 978-0321731531, $190.40
- RECOMMENDED: TI-30XIIS calculator, $15
2636 | 3 |
OR | |
MATH 1012 Foundations of Mathematics Emphasizes the application of basic mathematical skills used in the solution of occupational and technical problems.Topics include fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and proportions, measurement and conversion, formula manipulation, technical applications, and basic statistics.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Applied Basic Mathematics, ISBN 0-321691822, $202.24
- RECOMMENDED: TI-30XIIS calculator, $15
2635 | 3 |
OR | |
MATH 1111 College Algebra Emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts.Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and systems of equations; optional topics include sequences, series, and probability or analytic geometry.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Algebra for College Students, ISBN 978-0073384344, $162.60
- RECOMMENDED: TI-30XIIS calculator, $15
2640 | 3 |
EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relat & Prof Dev Emphasizes human relations and professional development in today*s rapidly changing world that prepares students for living and working in a complex society. Topics include human relations skills, job acquisition skills and communication, job retention skills, job advancement skills, and professional image skills.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Your Career: How to Make it Happen, ISBN 978-11-111-572-31-0, $95.54
2560 | 2 |
ELCR 1005 Soldering Technology Develops the ability to solder and desolder connectors, components, and printed circuit boards using industry standards. Topics include: safety practices, soldering, desoldering, anti-static grounding, and surface mount techniques.
Required textbooks and materials:
- PACE Handbook: High Reliability Interconnection Technology, $40
2519 | 1 |
ELCR 1010 Direct Current Circuits This course provides instruction in the theory and practical application of simple and complex direct current circuitry. Topics include laboratory safety practices and procedures, electrical laws and principles, DC test equipment basic series, parallel and combination circuits, complex series and parallel circuits, and DC theorems.
Required textbooks and materials:
- DC/AC Fundamentals: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-293393-3, $162.58
2520 | 6 |
ELCR 1020 Alternating Current Circuits This course introduces the theory and application of varying sine wave voltages and current, and continues the development of AC concepts with emphasis on constructing, verifying, and troubleshooting reactive circuits using RLC theory and practical application. Topics include AC wave generation, frequency and phase relationship, impedance, admittance, and conductance power factors, reactive components simple RLC circuits, AC circuit resonance, passive filters, and non-sinusoidal wave forms.
Required textbooks and materials:
- DC/AC Fundamentals: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-293393-3, $162.58
2521 | 7 |
ELCR 1030 Solid State Devices This course provides instruction in the theory and application of solid state devices in the electronics industry. Emphasis is placed on the physical characteristics and uses of solid state devices. Topics include PN diodes, power supplies, voltage regulation, bipolar junction theory and application, field effect transistors, and special applications.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Analog Fundamentals: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-293394-0, $162.58
2522 | 5 |
ELCR 1040 Digital & Microprocessor Fund This course is designed to provide sufficient coverage of digital electronics and microprocessor fundamentals. Digital fundamentals will introduce basic topics such as binary topics such as binary arithmetic, logic gates and truth tables, Boolean algebra and minimization techniques, logic families, and digital test equipment. Upon completion of the foundational digital requirements, a more advanced study of digital devices and circuits will include such topics as flip-flops, counters, multiplexers and de-multiplexers, encoding and decoding, displays, and analog to digital and digital to analog conversions. Students will also explore the basic architecture and hardware concepts of the microprocessor.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Digital Fundamentals: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-293395-7, $162.58
2523 | 5 |
ELCR 1060 Linear Integrated Circuits Provides in-depth instruction on the characteristics and applications of liner integrated circuits.Topics nclude:operational amplifiers, timers, and three-terminal voltage regulators.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Analog Fundamentals: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-293394-0, $162.58
2524 | 3 |
XXXX 300 Occupational Elective 4497 | 3 |
Students are required to complete one of the following specializations: | |
XXXX xxxx Occupationally Related Electives 4232 | 16 |
ELCR 2210 Analog Communications This course provides an in depth study of communication system concepts and emphasis an analysis of amplitude and frequency modulation and detection methods. Topics include AM, FM, and SSB modulation and detection, transmitters and receivers, multiplexing and de-multiplexing, basic telemetry concepts, and noise bandwidth considerations.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Electronic Communications: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-298863-6, $175.41
2535 | 5 |
ELCR 2220 Digital Communications This course continues the study of modulation and detection techniques. Topics include: digital modulation techniques, pulse modulation techniques, and sampling techniques.
Required textbooks and materials:
2536 | 3 |
ELCR 2230 Antenna and Transmission Lines Provides an understanding of antennas and transmission lines used in communications. Topics include: transmission lines, wave guides, antenna types, antenna applications, and telephone transmission lines.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Electronic Communications: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-298863-6, $175.41
2537 | 3 |
ELCR 2240 Microwave Communications & Radar Provides a basic understanding of microwave communications and radar. Topics include: microwave and radar fundamentals, microwave devices, wave guides, specialized antennas, radar systems, and communications systems.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Electronic Communications: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-298863-6, $175.41
2538 | 3 |
ELCR 2250 Optical Comm Techniques Surveys the major optical devices used for communications. Topics include: light sources, fiber optic cable, coupling and fusing, light modulation and detection techniques, and system application of light devices.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Electronic Communications: A System Approach, ISBN 978-0-13-298863-6, $175.41
2539 | 3 |
*54 minimum semester hour credits required for graduation | |