Course | Credit Hours |
ALHS 1011 Structure & Function of the Human Body Focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body. Topics include general plan and function of the human body, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous and sensory systems, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Essentials of Medical Anatomy and Physiology, 7th ed., ISBN 978-0-8036-3957-7, $60.95
- Workbook to Accompany Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 7th ed., ISBN 978-0-8036-3958-4, $45.00
4310 | 5 |
ALHS 1040 Introduction to Health Care Introduces a grouping of fundamental principles, practices, and issues common in the health care profession. In addition to the essential skills, students explore various delivery systems and related issues. Topics include: basic life support/CPR, basic emergency care/first aid and triage, vital signs, infection control/blood and air-borne pathogens.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants, ISBN 978-1455748341, $102.74
4311 | 3 |
ALHS 1060 Diet & Nutrition for AHS A study of the nutritional needs of the individual. Topics include:nutrients, standard and modified diets, nutrition throughout the lifespan, and client education.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Nutrition and Diet Therapy, ISBN 978-1133960508, $169.95
2266 | 2 |
ALHS 1090 Med Term/Allied Health Sciences Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity with medical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Topics include: origins (roots, prefixes, and suffixes), word building, abbreviations and symbols, and terminology related to the human anatomy.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Medical Terminology: A Systems Approach, ISBN 978-0-8036-3575-3, $86.95
2267 | 2 |
COMP 1000 Introduction to Computer Literacy Introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to use computers. Emphasis is placed on basic functions and familiarity with computer use. Topics include an introduction to computer terminology, the Windows environment, Internet and email, word processing software, spreadsheet software, database software, and presentation software.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Guidelines for Microsoft Office, ISBN 978-0763867485, $128.72
2403 | 3 |
EMPL 1000 Interpersonal Relat & Prof Dev Emphasizes human relations and professional development in today*s rapidly changing world that prepares students for living and working in a complex society. Topics include human relations skills, job acquisition skills and communication, job retention skills, job advancement skills, and professional image skills.
Required textbooks and materials:
- Your Career: How to Make it Happen, ISBN 978-11-111-572-31-0, $95.54
2560 | 2 |
NAST 1100 Nurse Aide Fundamentals Introduces student to the role and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide. Emphasis is placed on understanding and developing critical thinking skills, as well as demonstrating knowledge of the location and function of human body systems and common disease processes; responding to and reporting changes in a residents /patients condition, nutrition, vital signs; nutrition and diet therapy; disease processes; vital signs; observing, reporting and documenting changes in a residents condition; emergency concerns; ethics and legal issues and governmental agencies that influence the care of the elderly in long term care settings; mental health and psychosocial well-being of the elderly; use and care of mechanical devices and equipment; communication and interpersonal skills and skills competency based on federal guidelines. Specific topics include: roles and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide; communication and interpersonal skills; topography, structure, and function of the body systems; injury prevention and emergency preparedness; residents rights; basic patient care skills; personal care skills; and restorative care.
Required textbooks and materials:
- The New Nursing Assistant Textbook, ISBN 9780846320104, $56.98
2685 | 6 |
*23 minimum semester hour credits required for certificate | |