SGTC Adult Education Advisory Committee Meets

The South Georgia Technical College Adult Education advisory committee met recently in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Building on the SGTC campus. SGTC Dean of Adult Education Tracy Israel and program instructors presented updates and information about program changes, enrollment, community activities and student news.
The purpose of the advisory committee is to assist South Georgia Technical College faculty and staff in continuous quality improvement of the Adult Education program. The committee consists of members of the community representing a variety of organizations. It is a crucial link that provides an avenue for South Georgia Technical College instructors to learn about changing conditions or technology in the workplace that can then be passed along to students that will enable them to be fully prepared upon graduation.
The Adult Education program at SGTC helps members of the community earn their high school equivalency, which opens the door to greater life and career opportunities for program graduates. Many students even continue their education at South Georgia Technical College.
Learn more about all of the programs available at SGTC by visiting Fall semester C-term begins October 16. Apply now.