SGTC Crisp County Center student organizations celebrate Flag Week

South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford joined members and advisors of the National Technical Honor Society, Phi Beta Lambda and the Student Government Association at the Crisp County Center in recognizing Flag Week.
Flag Week is a week-long observance celebrating the creation of the United States Flag. It occurs every year during the week of June 14th, the date the United States Flag was created.
The SGTC Faculty advisors and student organization members took time out of their busy schedules to pay tribute to the United States red, white, and blue Stars and Stripes flag that represents freedom and has been an enduring symbol of the country’s ideals since its early days. During this week, Americans are encouraged to remember their loyalty to the nation, reaffirm their belief in liberty and justice and observe the nation’s unity. Many people in the United States honor this day by displaying the American flag at homes and public buildings.