SGTC Drafting Students Learn About Career Opportunities from Industry Professional

Chad Thurner, Office Manager for SAM Surveying and Mapping, LLC in Tallahassee, FL, recently visited the South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) campus in Americus to discuss career opportunities with students in the college’s Drafting Technology Program.
Thurner explained to students that SAM uses terrestrial, mobile, and airborne LiDAR (light detection and ranging) surveying, and the company employs drafting technicians to translate the survey data into three-dimensional drawings. Technicians are tasked with rendering a wide range of survey information for buildings, electrical lines, roadways, pipelines, the ocean floor, and many other applications.
The SGTC drafting students also learned about specific career opportunities with SAM, benefits the company offers, and advancement potential. In addition to recruiting for full-time positions with the company, Thurner encouraged students to consider applying for SAM’s summer internship program to gain valuable experience in the industry so they will be more fully prepared to enter the industry upon graduation.
Drafting Technology is one of the many programs offered at South Georgia Technical College. With over 200 degree, diploma, and technical certificate of credit options, SGTC provides motivated individuals the preparation needed for a fulfilling career in a variety of in-demand industries. Learn more at, and apply now for spring semester. Classes begin January 9.