SGTC encouraging alumni to join the 70th anniversary celebration

“A proud past with a promising future” may be the best way to describe the mark that South Georgia Technical College and its alumni have had on the local community, state, and nation for the past 70 years. In celebration of this anniversary, the college is hosting a special Alumni/Sophomore Day celebration on Saturday, February 10th from 10:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. and all South Georgia Technical College alumni, retirees, faculty, staff, and friends are invited. There is no charge for admission.
The South Georgia Technical College Jets and Lady Jets will be hosting Georgia Highlands College in Georgia Collegiate Athletic Association (GCAA) basketball games at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. The Americus and Sumter County Chamber of Commerce has a Tailgate Event planned with free hamburgers and hotdogs beginning at 11:30 p.m. and there is even an alumni game with former Jets and Lady Jets players beginning at 10:30 a.m. Special 70th anniversary t-shirts will also be given away while supplies last.
“This is a day of celebration and fun,” said South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford. “We are paying tribute to the individuals who chose to attend South Georgia Technical College for their educational and workforce training as well as those individuals who dedicated their career to our mission. We are also honoring those who work here today as well as the sophomore basketball players who have given us their all on the basketball courts. I hope we have a great crowd for this unique celebration.”
South Georgia Technical College has educated and trained over 500,000 individuals to be workforce ready during the past 70 years. And during those 70 years, South Georgia Technical College has hired many of its own graduates to help train the next generation of individuals who are entering the workforce.
SGTC currently employs more than 70 alumni and student workers in various areas at both the main campus in Americus and the Crisp County Center campus in Cordele and as part of its GED services. Many of the SGTC alumni continued their education after earning diplomas or associate degrees at SGTC and even worked in their related fields before returning to the college to support student success as faculty and staff members.
All former instructors, staff members, alumni, and current faculty and staff will be recognized on the court during halftime of the Jets game. The Jets and Lady Jets players and their parents will be celebrated between the men’s and women’s basketball games.
As part of its 70th anniversary, South Georgia Technical College is asking alumni to share their experiences and success stories of life after South Georgia Technical College. Alumni can share their stories on social media by using the hashtag “#SGTC70” or by calling the Foundation and Marketing office at 229-931-2248 or emailing

The students have become the teachers. Shown above are some of the individuals who took classes at South Georgia Technical College prior to joining the faculty. Many of them continued their education as well as earned valuable on-the-job skills in their related fields and are now teaching the next generation.

Looking for a satisfying career in the maintenance field? Just ask these South Georgia Technical College graduates and alumni who started out as students but are now employed at the college. They learned the skills they need to enter the workforce.