SGTC firefighter students climb 2,200 steps in memory of 343 NY firefighters lost on 9.11.2001

Two South Georgia Technical College Fire Fighter/EMSP students joined members of the Sumter County Fire and Rescue department in paying tribute to the memory of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives in the 9.11.2001 tragedy in New York City by climbing the equivalent of the 2,200 steps it would take the New York Fire Department (NYFD) to reach people on the 110th floor of the World Trade Center.
According to Tracy Hall of the Americus Times Recorder, “firefighters are a tight fraternity. Their lives depend on that fraternity to thrive in order to accomplish their work on our behalf. The fraternity isn’t limited to those who serve in the same house, station or even state. The firefighter fraternity is a powerhouse all over the nation. An opportunity was given to our community to take 2,200 steps it would take the New York Fire Department (NYFD) to reach people on the 110th floor of the World Trade Center. The challenge was in memory of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives on 9.11.2001. At least four very special folks not only took on the challenge, but they also donned the full body gear of a firefighter to do so.”
Lt. John Carroll, Battalion Chief Rick Bell, Will Toms and Clay Owens were present to take on the 110 floors. The challenge was not an easy one, as it came with the weight of not only their gear, but also of carrying the memory and honor of 343 firefighters.
While Lt. Carroll and Chief Bell are seasoned in their work on behalf of our home, Will and Clay are just starting the journey. Will and Clay are enrolled at South Georgia Technical College in Fire Fighter/EMSP studies.
Will’s mother, Leila Henderson Toms, was proud of these men. “I think it is awesome what they are doing! They aren’t required to do it, they do it because they want to do it.” Leila also commented on the fraternity she is already seeing form between students such as Will and Clay. “I am thankful for their friendship and that they are taking this class together. The way they encourage each other is admirable.”
Will and Clay have no first-hand memory of 9.11.2001. However, much like the rest of the country, they see the honor, duty and passion of the firefighter and have decided to take up the call to provide the same to our community. There was success at the end of the day for these men. We are honored to call them ours.

SGTC Fire Fighter/EMSP student Will Toms is shown participating in the climbing exercise. (Photo by Leila Henderson Toms)

SGTC Fire Fighter/EMSP Student Clay Owens is doing his part to help pay tribute to those who lost their lives on 9.11.2001. (Photo by Leila Henderson Toms)