SGTC hosts Adult Education Advisory Committee meeting

South Georgia Technical College’s Adult Education department hosted its advisory committee meeting recently in the John M. Pope Center on the Americus campus with representatives from each of the seven county areas served by South Georgia Technical College’s GED programs.
South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford and SGTC Adult Education Dean Lillie Ann Winn welcomed the advisory committee members, instructors, and guests to the meeting. Winn also talked about the many partnerships that South Georgia Technical College’s Adult Education Department has been able to forge with individuals and businesses from Sumter, Schley, Macon, Marion, Crisp, Webster and Taylor counties.
SGTC Adult Education Transition Specialist Tracy Israel shared with the committee about the successful Spring Graduation held at South Georgia Technical College and Lille Ann Winn gave an overview of the Adult Ed student learning plans utilized by the college.
Angie Kauffman, an SGTC Adult Education Instructor, talked with the committee members about the on-line classes now being offered by the SGTC Adult Education department and Adult Education Instructor Cindy Bagwell described how technology was being utilized at the Sumter County Correctional Institute to assist incarcerated individuals in obtaining a GED.
Lillie Ann Winn also highlighted the program accomplishments over the past year and the professional development courses that her staff had participated in during the previous 12 months.
The next South Georgia Technical College Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 19th.