SGTC Phi Beta Lambda Honors Culinary Arts Students

The South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) chapter of Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) recently hosted a pizza party for the Culinary Arts program on the Americus campus. The occasion honored the Culinary Arts students for their generous contributions during the PBL Season of Giving drive over the 2019 holiday season.
During the Season of Giving, PBL sponsored efforts to collect food items for Harvest of Hope food pantry, trauma bears to provide comfort for children who experience traumatic events, and toys to be distributed to children through the local Division of Family and Children Services. As an added incentive, PBL offered a pizza party to the SGTC program or department that made the largest contribution, a distinction earned by Culinary Arts.
While students in the Culinary Arts program are usually in the position of creating and serving meals to others, on this occasion, the students enjoyed being the guests of honor. SGTC Academic Dean and PBL local advisor Dr. Andrea Oates and two PBL officers, 1st Vice President Xavier Winfield of Douglasville and Ambassador Ashley Halstead of Ellaville, served up pizza and beverages to the more than 25 students in attendance.
Phi Beta Lambda is the premier student business leadership organization and one of the largest student membership organizations within the Technical College System of Georgia. PBL offers programming to develop competent, success-oriented student leaders.
At South Georgia Technical College, PBL is one of several clubs, organizations, and activities in which students can participate. To learn more, visit