SGTC Practical Nursing Advisory Committee Meets for Spring Semester

South Georgia Technical College’s (SGTC) practical nursing advisory committee met recently on the college’s Americus campus to discuss the current state of the program and the industry as a whole. The six members met in a McClain Building classroom to discuss the topics over breakfast.
The purpose of the advisory committee is to assist South Georgia Tech faculty and staff in continuous quality improvement of the college’s program. SGTC’s Americus campus nursing instructors Jennifer Childs and Christine Rundle provided the committee with updates and information about program changes, enrollment, community activities, and student news.
The advisory committee members provided information to SGTC faculty and staff about suggested improvements in curriculum, new training opportunities that are available in the marketing field, new technology, employment/internship opportunities available for students, and salary levels students may anticipate upon graduation.
Members present at the advisory committee meeting included: Debra Mims of Ethica, Debra Webb of the Lillian Carter Center, Tammi Johnston of Phoebe Sumter Medical Center and SGTC’s WIOA program director Sandhya Muljibhai. SGTC dean for academic affairs Vanessa Wall and also attended the meeting to provide an administrative update.
The advisory committee is a crucial link that provides an avenue for South Georgia Tech instructors to learn about changing conditions or technology in the workplace that can then be passed along to students that will enable them to be fully prepared upon graduation.
South Georgia Technical College is currently registering students for Summer semester on both the Americus and Crisp County Center campuses, which begins Wednesday, May 23, 2019. There will be a registration and orientation session the day before – on Tuesday, May 22, 2019. To apply for admission, contact the admissions office by calling 229-931-2760 in Americus, or 229-271-4051 in Cordele.
South Georgia Technical College has a one-stop admissions process that allows students to apply, enroll, and register in the same day. Students are also encouraged to apply for financial aid as soon as they can.
South Georgia Tech currently offers over 200 different associate degree, diploma, and short term technical certificate of credit classes. Enroll today and get ahead in your chosen career. For more information about South Georgia Technical College and its programs of study, visit the website at: