SGTC Practical Nursing graduates recognized at pinning ceremony

Sixteen South Georgia Technical College Practical Nursing graduates on the SGTC Americus campus participated in a nurse pinning ceremony held recently in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center.
The graduates included Derek Bodiford of Mauk, Skylar Brock of Pitts, Charlise Cooper of Americus, Misty Davis of Americus, Laurel Eason of Americus, Jasmine English of Americus, Taylor Hatfield of Americus, Kara Heath of Smithville, Tara Hyte of Montezuma, Marquise Jefferson of Americus, Ashley Johnson of Americus, Nikki Stringfellow of Ellaville, Elizabeth Thompson of Americus, Jalaa Tullis-Hosley of Buena Vista, Celeste Widner of Buena Vista, and Ansleigh Williams of Americus.
“Your pin represents South Georgia Technical College, as well as the beginning of your nursing career,” said SGTC Practical Nursing instructor Jennifer Childs, who pinned the graduates along with fellow Practical Nursing instructors Debra Smith and June Hagin. “Wear it proudly, because you’ve earned it,” she said.
Susie Fussell, Administrator of the Magnolia Manor Methodist Nursing Center, was the keynote speaker for the pinning ceremony, in which graduates received their SGTC nursing pins and participated in a lamp lighting ceremony.
“I am sure many of you at some point in this program have felt like you wanted to quit,” said Fussell, noting the rigor and difficulty of the LPN program, which is a competitive admissions program at SGTC and in high demand of capable students. “Every other LPN before you has felt like that, and the fact that you didn’t give up makes this day even more special,” she said. She reminded the graduates that nursing is much more than just administering medication or tending to a wound. “Nursing is taking care of someone holistically, not just medically. The best thing you can do for your patient is listen, not just to what they’re saying, but to what their needs are, because you can’t meet someone’s needs if you don’t know what those needs are.”
Graduate Nikki Stringfellow led the ceremony attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance as well as an invocation. Taylor Hatfield introduced guest speaker Susie Fussell, and Jasmine English led the graduates in the recitation of the Nurse’s Pledge and the ceremonial lighting of the lamp. Marquise Jefferson closed the program with the benediction.
In memory of the fallen Americus law enforcement officers Jody Smith and Nick Smarr, the graduates wore black and blue ribbons pinned to their LPN uniforms.
These students are now eligible to sit for the NCLEX-PN state board exams to become official Licensed Practical Nurses. The exam consists of 85 to 205 questions and tests all areas in the nursing profession to assure practical nurses have obtained the knowledge to practice safely in clinical settings.
SGTC’s Practical Nursing program was recently ranked among the top five programs in Georgia for the year 2016, according to Accredited Schools online. For more information about admission to the SGTC Practical Nursing program, call 229.931.2299.
Practical Nursing is one of many SGTC programs that is eligible for additional financial aid funds through the Strategic Industries Workforce Development Grant (SIWDG). HOPE eligible students who take at least 9 or more credit hours per semester in select programs can receive an additional $500 per semester. For more information, call 229.931.2351.
South Georgia Technical College is currently registering students for spring semester on both the Americus and Crisp County Center campuses, which begins Monday, January 9th, 2017. There will be a registration and orientation session on Thursday, January 5th, 2017.
South Georgia Technical College has a one-stop admissions process that allows students to apply, enroll, and register in the same day. Students also need to apply for financial aid as soon as possible if they have not already done so.
To apply for admission to South Georgia Technical College in Americus call 229.931.2252 or 229.931.2760 or 1.800.928.0283 and in Cordele, call 229.271.4051. Students must complete an application for admission with a non-refundable $25 application fee.
South Georgia Tech currently offers over 200 different associate degree, diploma, and short term technical certificate of credit classes. Enroll today and get ahead in your chosen career. For more information about South Georgia Technical College and its programs of study, visit the website at: