SGTC President Emeritus Reeves honored at Outstanding Eagle Scout recognition dinner

South Georgia Technical College President Emeritus Sparky Reeves was honored with the 2019 Outstanding Eagle Scout Award at a special recognition dinner Tuesday night at the South Georgia Technical College John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center in front of over 150 individuals.
Judge Joe Bishop welcomed everyone to the event and Rev. Betty Lee Scott gave the invocation. Twenty-four Eagle Scouts participated in the Presentation of Colors and the Pledge of Allegiance. Matt Hart, Eagle Scout, Troop 23 from Rockmart, Georgia and South Georgia Council Scout Executive, gave an Eagle Scout Testimony and shared why it is important to continue to support scouting today.
Eagle Scout Mike Greene, Chairman of the South Georgia Council NESA, opened the outstanding Eagle Presentation and called upon Eagle Scouts Ben Andrews and retired State Senator Georgia Hooks to make the presentation.
Reeves shared that the character development, citizenship training and personal fitness traits that he learned as a young boy scout were the cornerstone to the successes that he has enjoyed in both his personal and professional life.
“I am very humbled by this honor,” said Reeves after he accepted the Outstanding Eagle Scout medallion and plaque from Dr. Ben Andrews and retired State Senator George Hooks. “Scouting is and was a very important part of my life. It made me what I am today.”
Gary Lamar “Sparky” Reeves earned his Eagle Scout rank in January 1964, when he was only 13 years old. He was a member of the Troop 21 and Explorer Post 21 in Thomaston, Georgia. He earned over 50 different merit badges including the mile swim badge, Scout Service Corp badge, and was inducted into the Order of the Arrow. He also represented his council as a member of the Boy Scout Troops Service Corps at the 1964 – 1965 World’s Fair in New York.
Reeves came to South Georgia Tech as an instructor in 1973 and served in different leadership capacities during his career. He was named President in August 2004 and served in that capacity until 2015.
South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford shared with the audience that Sparky Reeves had given over 45 years of his professional life to South Georgia Technical College and that he continues to give back today by serving as President Emeritus and also as a member of the Technical College System of Georgia State Foundation Board.
“Sparky left his metaphorical footprints on this campus but the impressions that he made on the lives of the students, friends, cohorts, and employees are the true lasting impressions. Everyone he came in contact with has benefited from the values of scouting that he has shared through his leadership and service to others mentality. Sparky embodies the quote, ‘People forget what you do and forget what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel,’” said Dr. Watford as he publicly thanked Reeves for being a great leader and a great friend.
Kevin Reeves also shared some great memories of his dad and how scouting had impacted his family. “I would like to thank everyone for honoring my dad. He is the most positive person I have ever known. He is also the most prepared person I’ve ever known. He took the scouting motto of ‘Be Prepared’ to heart. He was constantly instilling the values that he learned as a scout in me and I am very appreciative for that. I am very proud of my dad and I hope he never stops ‘Making Every Day Special!’”
As the evening closed Judge Joe Bishop shared, “I am glad I met you and I am better because of it. The Scout Oath of, On my honor, I will do my best to help others is what Sparky Reeves has lived.”
Reeves is the son of Earl and Odessa Reeves and is married to Allene Reeves. They have three grown children and four grandchildren. Sam McCord, Development Director for the Boy Scouts of America South Georgia Council, thanked each of the hosts and sponsors. They included: Dr. and Mrs. Ben Andrews, Dr. and Mrs. Louis Riccardi, Mr. and Mrs. John Argo, Agrium-Rainbow Plant, Citizens Bank of Americus, Greene & Greene Law Firm, Phoebe Health, Americus Living, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Torbert, Mr. Ed Pope and Mr. Mike Cheokas, Georgia Southwestern State University, Mr. and Mrs. Sparky Reeves, Parker’s Heating and Air Conditioning, PeoplesSouth Bank, Perry Brothers Oil, Ms. Debbie Smith, South Georgia Technical College, Southwest Ga. Farm Credit, Sumter EMC, Synovus Bank and Troop 15, Albany, GA.
South Georgia Technical College, Americus Living, LLC, Agrium – Rainbow Plant Food and Phoebe Sumter were recognized as the event sponsors. The event committee was headed by Sam McCord, Dr. Ben and Michelle Andrews, Betty Scott, Su Ann Bird, and Kevin Reeves.