SGTC President welcomes Sumter County High School to the neighborhood

“Welcome to the neighborhood!” said South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford during his brief remarks at the Sumter County High School and Ignite College and Career Academy ribbon cutting held Thursday, August 5th.
The new Sumter County High School was built across from South Georgia Technical College on South Georgia Tech Parkway and is set to open in September. “Dr. Choates, Principal Hadley, Sumter County School Board and most importantly, the students and families of Sumter County, congratulations on this beautiful facility. This is truly something to be proud of, not just for the students but for the whole community!
“To have a safe, functional, state of the art environment for the education of our young people required vision and leadership and, to see it come to fruition is a strong testament to the perseverance of everyone involved. Economic Development is at the heart of our mission of workforce training at South Georgia Tech. By placing this beautiful high school campus strategically right across the street from the workforce training hub of South Georgia, sends a strong message to a prospective business or industry to Sumter County. So, on behalf of the entire faculty, staff, and students at South Georgia Technical College, I would like to welcome you to the neighborhood!” said President Watford.
Dr. Torrance Choates, Superintendent of Sumter County Schools, welcomed everyone to the ribbon cutting ceremony and introduced the members of the Sumter County Schools Board of Education members and past members who helped bring the new high school to completion. He also introduced members of the Ignite College and Career Academy board and business, industry, and elected officials who were a part of the process.
Rev. George Monts of Whole Truth International Ministries, Inc. offered the invocation at the beginning of the ceremony and then Sumter County Board of Education Chairman Rick Barnes, as well as SGTC President Dr. John Watford, GSW President Dr. Neal Weaver, Sumter County High School Principal Kimothy Hadley, and Ignite College and Career Academy Board Chair Eshonda Blue spoke at the ceremony. Dr. Torrance Choates closed out the program and asked everyone to adjourn to the front of the building for the actual ribbon cutting.
James Buckley & Associates and Parrish Construction Management Company officials were on hand for the event as well as current Sumter County Board of Education members Rick Barnes, Carolyn Hamilton, Abbis Bivins, Patricia Harris, Vincent Kearse, Jim Reid, and Sylvia Roland. The members of the Ignite CCA Board of Directors recognized included: Eshonda Blue, Brandi Lunneborg, Rene Smith, Chris Saunders, Matt Berry, Josh Drew, Andrea Ingram, David Jenkins, Tammye Pettyjohn Jones, David Kuipers, Don Porter, and Dr. Neal Weaver.