SGTC’s Crisp County Center holds NTHS Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony

South Georgia Technical College’s National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) members of the Crisp County Center recently celebrated Arbor Day with a tree planting ceremony. A speech was given about the importance of trees and a live oak tree was planted in honor of that day.
Students and faculty members who participated in the event included Christian Powell of Cordele, NTHS Parliamentarian/State Officer; Dakota Hall of Cordele, Ramona Williams of Cordele, SGTC NTHS Advisor and Admissions Coordinator Kari Bodrey, NTHS Advisor and Adult Education instructor Katrice Taylor, and Crisp County High School Move On When Ready (MOWR) students.
Georgia Arbor Day is held on the third Friday in February. NTHS members celebrate Arbor Day this time every year.
For more information about NTHS, contact Kari Bodrey at 229-271-4051 or; Katrice Taylor at 229.271.4068 or or visit