SGTC’s Wally Summers speaks to Cordele Rotary Club

South Georgia Technical College Vice President of Economic Development Wally Summers was the special guest speaker at the Cordele Rotary Club recently. SGTC’s Director of Business and Industry Services for the Crisp County Center Michelle McGowan and SGTC Dean of Enrollment Management Julie Partain were also present.
Summers gave the club a brief overview of the history of South Georgia Technical College in Americus and in Crisp County and thanked the individuals who had played a significant role in encouraging South Georgia Tech into opening a campus in Cordele.
“Cordele and Crisp County are very important to South Georgia Technical College, but we are also very important to you for business and industry training and development, and for the overall good of this community,” explained Summers. “We are only as good as our workforce and South Georgia Technical College’s mission is workforce development. I am thankful for the support that we receive from this and the other communities in our service area.”
Summers explained that the college is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year and talked with club members about some of the projects that the SGTC Economic Development department is working on with area business and industries. He also talked about how the SGTC Crisp County Center campus is a great resource for business and industry meetings.
“South Georgia Technical College wants Cordele and Crisp County and each of the communities that we work with to succeed. We are here to help,” said Summers. In closing, Summers, thanked the Cordele Rotary Club again for their support and awarded several door prizes to the individuals who correctly answered questions he covered during the talk.