South Georgia Tech recognizes employees with over 330 years of combined service to students

South Georgia Technical College recognized 25 full-time employees who celebrated five, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years with the college during its annual employee Christmas luncheon which was hosted in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center recently. Those 25 employees had given 337 years of service to the students attending South Georgia Technical College
“It is my great honor to recognize the outstanding administrators, faculty and staff who are celebrating an important milestone at South Georgia Technical College,” said South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford. “The employees recognized today have contributed 337 years of service to South Georgia Technical College and its students. We are extremely fortunate to have individuals that believe in technical education enough to dedicate their careers to training the workforce of today and tomorrow.”
Each employee who celebrated 10 years of service with the college this year were presented with a 2” X 2” marble paperweight with the college’s name and years of service engraved into the marble. The individuals with 20 years or more received a larger marble paperweight with the college’s name and 20 or 30 years of service. Each employee also received a certificate for five years and 15 years of service, if applicable.
Two employees had 30 or more years of service. They were Director of Business and Industry Services Mark Brooks with 30 years and Rick Davis, the college’s Heavy Equipment Dealer’s Service Technology instructor. He has been with the college for a total of 32 years as a diesel or heavy equipment technology instructor.
Four individuals celebrated their 20th or 25th anniversary at South Georgia Tech this year. Kim Miller was recognized for 25 years of service to South Georgia Tech and Andrea Ingram, Teresa O’Bryant and Gerald Stovall were recognized for their 20th anniversary.
Eight employees were recognized for their 15th year anniversary and those were: Kari Bodrey, Cynthia Carter, Whitney Crisp, Cathy Freeman, Tom Jones, David Kuipers, Penny Pace, and Wally Summers. The individuals who have been with the college for 10 years this year included: Gloria Bell, Karen Bloodworth, Johnathan Clark, Lea Coe, Phil Deese, Sandy Larson, and Charles Small. Those presented with five year certificates were Melissa Faircloth, James Frey, Kyle Hartsfield, and Kenia Wills.
In addition to recognizing those employees at the annual Employee luncheon, a covered dish luncheon was held, a live auction to raise funds for the Employee Scholarships and some fun games were held.
Prizes for bingo winners were presented to: Leah Windham, April Hilliard, Terry Battle, Sandhya Muljibhai, Mia Collins, Wayne Peck, Andrea Ingram, Cathy Freeman, Gwen Hall, Minnie Williamson, Tracy Israel, Kevin Beaver, Vickie Gilbert, Matthew Burkes, Lillie Ann Winn, Michele McGowan, Kelly Everett, Dorothea McKenzie, Karen Lewis, Dr. Michelle Seay, and Glenn Cobb.
An ugly Christmas sweater contest was held and Mia Collins won first place and Christina Rundle was second. Gloria Bell and Brandon Dean won the teamwork award for the Christmas Ornament balancing act. Jennifer Childs and April Hilliard teamed up to win the Holiday Hustle, Penny Pace won the Jingle in the Truck game, and Chef Ricky Watzlowick won the Marshmallow toss. Raymond Holt and Charles Christmas finished a close second and third. Gwen Hall guessed the correct number of M&M’s in a water bottle.
The SGTC Employee Luncheon committee who planned the event was spearheaded by Academic Deans Vanessa Wall and Dr. David Finley. The members of their committee included: Tami Blount, Kierra Sparks, Carrie Wilder, Julie Partain, Chester Taylor, Shane Peaster, Kyle Hartsfield and Valerie Hines.

The SGTC Employee Committee that planned the luncheon and fun activities are shown above with SGTC President Dr. John Watford (far right). They are Dr. David Finley, Tami Blount, Kierra Sparks, Carrie Wilder, Julie Partain, Vanessa Wall, Chester Taylor, Shane Peaster, and Kyle Hartsfield. Not shown is Valerie Hines.