South Georgia Technical College Holds STEM Camp for Middle School Students

South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) and the Chattahoochee-Flint Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA) recently hosted a two-day STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) camp for children in sixth through eighth grade. The camp was held in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center on the SGTC campus in Americus.
Students from several counties including Sumter, Crisp, Dodge, Lee, Marion, Houston, and Schley enrolled in the camp. They participated in a variety of activities and experiments covering topics such as electricity, robotics, virtual reality and more. Attendees at the camp create simple electrical circuits and robots, design and presented robot prototypes, took part in a paper airplane contest, and more.
Camp attendees also learned more about some of the STEM programs offered at South Georgia Technical College.
Fall semester at SGTC begins August 18. South Georgia Technical College offers over 200 programs leading to an associate degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit. Apply now at