South Georgia Technical College postpones graduation

South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford announced that the college’s Spring 2020 graduation ceremony will be postponed until a later date. Graduation was set for Thursday, May 7th, 2020 at 6 p.m. in the James S. Peters gymnasium.
“This is not a decision that we take lightly,” said President Watford. “Graduation is postponed, not cancelled. We will find an acceptable way to honor students who have completed their education at South Georgia Technical College. Right now, we don’t know when or exactly what that will look like due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but it is important to us to recognize this accomplishment. You have earned the right to be honored and we want to honor that achievement.”
As more information becomes available, South Georgia Technical College will share with students via email, social media, and the South Georgia Technical College website.
Due to the COVID-19 guidelines, South Georgia Technical College is considered moving the graduation ceremony until after restrictions are lifted. If restrictions are relaxed but not totally lifted, the college may offer smaller program specific graduations. “Graduation is important. We realize this is a moment that students and their families have worked for and are anxious to celebrate. We want to celebrate this special time with our students and we pledge to do all that we can to make that happen,” said Dr. Watford.
Classes are resuming on April 1st utilizing distance learning. Students who have not already done so, should contact instructors for outstanding assignments. “The most important thing right now is for students to complete Spring semester, especially those who are nearing graduation,” explained Dr. Watford. “This is new territory for many instructors and students and we are working together to deliver a quality education utilizing new methods. Our goal is to help students become successful despite the COVID-19 break. If you have challenges, work with your instructor.”

SGTC President Dr. John Watford is shown above presenting a diploma to a student at the Fall 2019 graduation ceremony.