U.S. Congressman Sanford Bishop, and GA. Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black To speak at Chamber of Commerce luncheon at SGTC on March 18th

The Sumter County Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce U.S. Congressman Sandford D. Bishop, Jr, District 2; and Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black as keynote speakers at the March 18, 2020 at the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce luncheon hosted at South Georgia Technical College, 900 South Georgia Technical College Parkway, beginning at 12 PM.
Congressman Sanford Bishop, Jr. is serving his fourteenth term in the U. S. House of Representatives, representing Middle and Southwest Georgia’s Second Congressional District. A leader among the fiscally responsible Democrats in Congress, Congressman Bishop has served on the House Committee Appropriations in 2003. In addition to being the Chairman of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee. Congressman Bishop also serves as the Co-Chair of the Congressional Military Family Caucus, the Vice Chair of the Military Family Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee, and a senior member of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Subcommittee.
Commissioner Gary W. Black has championed sound state and federal policies affecting food safety, science-based environmental stewardship, and agricultural marketing for the past 38 years. Now beginning his third term, Commissioner Black remains committed to fostering growth in Georgia’s number one industry.
Black’s love of agriculture was first sparked on his family’s farm in Commerce. He became an active member of the Commerce FFA and was elected State President of the Georgia FFA Association in 1975. Black then attended the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences where he earned a degree in Agricultural Education and interned with United States Senator Herman Talmadge and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Nutrition.
Upon completing his degree at the University of Georgia, Black began his career at the Georgia Farm Bureau coordinating leadership development programs for young farmers. In 1989, he was named President of the Georgia Agribusiness Council. While at GAC, he was instrumental in setting up the AgriTrust of Georgia insurance program, agriculture promotions during the Centennial Olympic Games, and developing a powerful reputation for agriculture advocacy in the legislative and regulatory arena.
“It is indeed an honor to host Congressman Sanford Bishop, Jr. and GA Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black at a Chamber Luncheon this year,” said Carolyn Wright, President of the Sumter County Chamber. “We are also pleased to have the Georgia Power Company to sponsor this informative luncheon for the business community.”
Reservations can be made by calling the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce at 229.924.2646 or going to www.sumtercountychamber.com. Gold Sponsors (table of eight) – $250, Non-Members – $30 and Chamber members $25. The luncheon program will begin at noon. Reservations are needed.
For more information contact the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce.